Monday, April 23, 2007

St. Brigid Farm

Over the weekend we came to settle on the name of our little farm.
After receiving the suggestion of naming the farm after the saint commemorated on the day we moved in or signed papers or something like that, I began to do some research. I knew there were saints one could call upon for certain situations and patron saints of certain jobs, etc. So I searched for farmers, and chicken and dairy. What I found was most pleasing!
St. Brigid, commemorated on February 1 (new calendar) is known to be the patron of chicken farmers, milk maids, dairy workers, etc. The story goes that St. Brigid's mother was a slave and her master had a dairy. Once Brigid was older and her mother became ill but still had to work, Brigid took over the dairy. Under her care the dairy prospered greatly. She would make butter and give a large portion away to the poor but still would sell much to make a great profit for the master of the dairy.
I loved the story of St. Brigid so much and that she was the patroness of so many in farming. To top it off, we have a dear dear friend who's patron Saint is St. Brigid. She is now a novice at St. Paisius Monastery in AZ. We miss her so much but are so happy and excited for her in the choice she has made. This will be a loving reminder of her, although not the direct reason for the name.

Oh most Holy St. Brigid, please pray unto God for us!

Here are the labels we created over the weekend. They are dual purpose and will later be used on milk product (cheese, yougurt, soap) once we start producing that (only a month away). The house on the label actually looks a lot like our house!


Liz in Seattle said...


Do you have an icon yet? Inquiring minds...

Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

What a great - and extremely appropriate - choice !
God bless you all !

Mimi said...

I think it is a perfect choice!

Bluecanopy said...

perfect match :) the labels are lovely...

Anonymous said...

Congrats! on finding a name for the farm.

Very nice labels!