Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Feast of St. Elizabeth the New Martyr
Hierarchal Divine Liturgy on our Patronal Feast day and the tonsuring of the new
Reader James.


James with Subdeacon Gideon(on left) and Subdeacon Elias (right).
Subdeacon Elias is from Uganda! How appropriate is that?


The newly tonsured Reader James debuts with a special reading. It's really neat actually. After the prayers the Bishop sets the book on his head for a brief second. Then opens it up to a page and points out a scripture to read.

Reader James with Bishop BENJAMIN

It was a really beautiful service with many clergy present and many visitors.
Hieromonk Tryphon from All-Merciful Savior Monastary on Vashon Island was present. This is really neat because it's the first time the Bishop has ever served with him and it's just now they can. (The Bishop mentioned they've known each other for 18 years.) Also, Fr. John from Holy Resurrection, and Fr. Nicholas from St. Herman. There were a couple other clergy behind the altar but I didn't recognize them and they didn't serve.
It was wonderful!

Oh, Most Holy St. Elizabeth please pray to God for us.

Emulating the Lord's self-abasement on the earth,
You gave up royal mansions to serve the poor and disdained,
Overflowing with compassion for the suffering.
And taking up a martyr's cross,
In your meekness
You perfected the Saviour's image within yourself,
Therefore, with Barbara, entreat Him to save us all, O wise Elizabeth.


Mimi said...

It was so lovely to be there and see it!

One of the priests was Father Athanasius from Olympia - I should have introduced you. And the other one was, I believe, the Tomarases' son-in-law who is a priest in Spokane. I don't know his first name.

Mimi said...

Whoops, I forgot to thank you for the eggs!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The other priest was Fr. Steven Supica who is indeed the Tomarases' son-in-law. He's the priest of the GOA parish in Spokane.


Elizabeth @ The Garden Window said...

What lovely photos !
Many years to you all :-)