Friday, July 20, 2012
about Complaining
If we are always complaining about how unfairly we are treated, we will have failed in our imitation of Christ, Who was abused by His enemies unto death. We should strive to reign with Our Lord by loving our enemies and never complain. Christ looked towards His Heavenly Father and when we are tempted to complain we should gaze upon the cross.
Complaining disturbs the heart and distracts us from the Path. Complaining weakens our resolve and interferes with the acquisition of peace and holiness. When we complain we are rejecting the role of suffering as a means towards the union with God. Complaining keeps our heart from soaring to the heavens and experiencing the joy that can be had when we surrender ourselves into the protective arms of Jesus.
With love in Christ,
Abbot Tryphon
Monday, February 27, 2012
Preparing ourselves to meet our Risen Lord we ask forgiveness.
Please forgive me brothers and sisters, wherein I have sinned in word, thought or deed.
We spend more time in prayer, hoping to become more like Him.
We fast in order to "gain mastery over oneself and to conquer the passions of the flesh. It is to liberate oneself from dependence on the things of this world in order to concentrate on the things of the Kingdom of God." (V. Rev. Thomas Hopko)
We give alms more often as we were commanded to. ...if any one has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? (I John 3:17)
Beware of practicing your piety before men, in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. Thus, when you give alms, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do…that they may be praised by men. Truly, I say to you, they have their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you. (Matthew 6:1-4)
May you have a fruitful Lent.
See you on the bright side!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
My last 2 posts have been about this lovely woman, Sally Clarkson. She is a very wise woman and she longs to share her wisdom with us through her books and blog. She has raised 4 lovely children and she served. She put God first and served her children as Christ served when He walked the earth. The fruit of her labor is obvious and beautiful.
She wrote this on her blog. I wrote it down but neglected to write the link of the original post. I'm still searching for it, but I do know she wrote it.
Consequently, it is not in getting the rules right or in defining all of the rules and theology that will make our children want to serve God. It is in laying down our life for them, serving them, listening to them, loving who God made them within the context of a call to holiness, that will secure in them a desire to love God with all of their hearts. By seeing our love, they will more easily understand and receive God’s love, as it will already be familiar to their hearts and brains.
--Sally ClarksonMonday, February 13, 2012
The Ministry of Motherhood
He called them into a relationship with Him. He extended to them the grace of His fellowship, His love, His instruction. With them He was patient, encouraging, loving, and forgiving. His whole relationship with them was built on the foundation of friendship. He gave them the gift of himself. And then he asked them to pass along that gift to the world.
In part 1 we read about the first "gift" we see in Christ, the gift of grace. And in my opinion the foundation of it all.The one thing I need to hammer into my mind over and over again...
Each of us is designed by God to whisper His words to the hearts of our children so they will feel the call of God in their own lives to become “fishers of men”. Yet we must always remember that our children, like Peter, will never be perfect. Each of them needs for us, like Jesus, to extend to him or her, the gift of constant love, grace, and forgiveness. And we can only do this by relying continually on the grace of our own relationship with the Lord.
Wednesday, February 08, 2012
Sharing something worth sharing.
But in the meantime, I was reading the authors blog and came across this blog post, "Sacrifice, yes, Mundane-shoot me now". Check it out!
Tuesday, February 07, 2012
passion pit?
I know Facebook is a wonderful place for so many, but for me, this weak sinner, I just had to leave.
Thursday, February 02, 2012
That being said, I work daily on the state of my house. Decluttering and trying to make some semblance of organized routine, of any kind. My mom recently discovered a new website network called Pinterest. I haven't been able to explore it much because you have to be a member to explore it too much and you can't join without being invited. But it looks like an online bulletin board of sorts where you can share ideas. Anyway, she found this very cool idea for menu planning and sent me a picture of it. I immediately fell in love with it and today I created my own version.
I had an OLD tea tray hanging around that used to be my grandmothers and I always said I wanted to do something with it. So I thought it very fitting to use as my frame for my menu board.
Here is a picture...

In the original post, the gal used an 11x7 wooden frame for hers. She attached the clothespins to the frame along the long side, the frame was in the portrait position.
I'm very excited about this. It will make menu planning SO easy!!! I can even have the kids help.
On another note...I WAS hoping to sign up with Pinterest. I thought it looked so cool. So I had my mom invite me. Boy was I disappointed to learn that I need to be part of the passion pit (aka Facebook) in order to join. Bummer. Looks cool.