The other day I asked my mom if she ever remembers her mom taking time out each day to read scripture or did they do it as a family. It really was a dumb question if I had thought about it long enough for my grandfather was a minister and I remember my grandma so very well. I also have her bible and it’s pretty amazing. I asked the question nonetheless and her reply was, “We had evening family devotional - Mom would read during the day - I remember BEST as I got older - I think her Bible was always open on the table at HER spot!” Wow! That is so cool!
This is what I imagine my grandma’s “spot” looked like. She would have refreshment and other inspirational reading. As she worked through the day, I imagine her sitting here for a rest. A chance to connect to what was real and most important and than off to do more of what God expected of her. Be a help meet, a mother….a warrior.
This is what I see to be wrong with how I go about my day. My respites include this. How on earth am I to gain strength, peace, rest to go back and face the mounds of responsibility when this is where I come for my “rest”.
I love this example my grandma has left me. I love the look of my table as it is pictured above. May I be ever drawn to rest there at that seat, to pray and gain encouragement, peace, and strength from the One who can really give it to me.
that is wonderful, Sue! That was my mom, for sure! You brought tears as I read this!
I have to add to my first comment - after clicking on the pic and making it bigger - YES, that is Mom's Bible!
Thanks Sue! Yeah, that's what I need to do too. It finally dawned on (stupid ol' me) that it was MORE IMPORTANT to pray) after dropping off the kids) than it was to get distracted by "just starting a load of wash", which leads to one thing after another. One successful day today. One day at a time. :-)
Thank you for the reminder, Sue. We really need to keep our priorities right and Mother did have hers right. She really was an example of the believer. Thanks again, Sue.
we can learn so much from those women before us...and those around us! thanks sue
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