Tuesday, September 19, 2006


The newest edition of The Handmaiden is dedicating to "The Ministry of True Hospitality".

Ever since we moved to Bothell and closer to the Church community surrounding St. Paul Antiochian Church James and I have loved to open our home to our friends and hosted quite a number of BBQ's throughout the last 3 years. It started with the notion that it was just easier since we had the most children that needed early bed times and tending to and also the fact we had a trampoline that was VERY entertaining for all the numerous children from the toddlers to the teens. But over time it just became tradition that many looked forward to including us. As we get ready to leave the St. Paul community I know that this is one aspect that I will miss above almost anything else. But as I join another community and Glory to God, within a short distance from the Church and many of it's families I hope and pray that we will be able to continue this tradition there.
As I read the new Handmaiden I realized that I have a lot to learn about hospitality despite the fact that I felt I was a very hospitable person. Mary Vaughn Armstrong wrote an article called "The Christ in the Stranger's Guise" which was VERY eye opening and oh so inspiring! Mary happens to attend St. Paul's where I currently go to Church. She is an amazing person and it shows in this article she wrote. My prayer is to take much of what I read and absorb it into my mind and heart so that I may become more hospitable not only to family and friends but to the strangers we meet. Mary says, "Hospitality has to do with the heart, and absolute trust that God Himself has sent each person who arrives on our doorstep. Every time we open our front door and invite someone to share our lives for a while, convenient or not, we offer ourselves."

Three main articles in this issue have to do with hospitality and I learned from every one of them. I can't wait to take my new found ideas and eagerness and welcome into my home many new friends and old alike.

To all , near and far, my home is open to share, to laugh, to listen, to love in peace and solitude. I can't promise complete silence because my 4 children will most assuredly welcome you as well, but with loud singing and laughing and eager voices to show you all that they do and love.
To my friends where distance will seperate us soon, I LOVE YOU ALL and will truly miss our times together, but know OUR HOME IS ALWAYS YOUR HOME!

"Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some have unwittingly entertained angels." Hebrews 13:2

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Do you ever feel like....

...you have no one to talk to? Like your mind is racing with so many thoughts you will explode if you can't share them someone? If you can't get advice from someone? But you just don't know that there is anyone out there who would understand or even want to understand?
Do you ever feel like you can't talk about it because than everyone will know your deepest darkest sins? Because then they'll think bad of you and they'll think bad of your husband and children?
How can you possibly share all of your fears and frustrations and still have someone who will care? Who will still love you despite all of your failings?

So you just sit back and let it simmer within all the while praying, begging God to have mercy. Praying and begging God to show you how to TALK TO HIM!!!!

Sometimes I think I have these feelings because I am all alone all day long with no other adults to converse with. No one else to share joy and sorrow with. I'm left to figure it out all by myself.(This is a whole other post.)
Glory to God!!!

Our appraisal on our sale came back with flying colors!!!

Friday, September 08, 2006

Reading Charlotte Masons....

"Original Home School Series" which is SIX volumes long and first originally written in 1907. It will take me years to really read it all but will sift through it. If you home school or want to I highly recommend familiarizing yourself with her. There are several great books out there that summarize her philosophy and some great websites, like Charlotte Mason Resource and Supply Company
and Simply Charlotte Mason.

I wanted to share something I read that was pretty profound to me. She's talking about authority, specifically with regards to parents and children.
Authority is that aspect of love which parents present to their children; parents know it is love, because to them it means continual self-denial, self-repression, self-sacrifice; children recognize it as love, because to them it means quiet rest and gaiety of heart. Perhaps the best aid to the maintenence of authority in the home is for those in authority to ask themselves daily that question which was presumptuously put to our Lord - 'Who gave thee this authority?' "

I'm reading from another section right now that I want to share later.