Thursday, August 17, 2006

House Prayer Request ---Immediately

A snag has been hit. I'm trying not to worry because I feel so strongly that everything has worked out thus far so smoothly and that is directed by God. I have faith that God's Hand will be on it until the end.
The snag is the appraiser on our current home. He wants permits for work that was done prior to our even buying the house...the garage was converted into living space and he want permits or recording from the city. There are none. This really shouldn't affect the value of the house if he is doing fair comps, but he's being a stinker. Please pray that this snag will go away so that the house will appraise for just the right amount and God's Will be done!!! It's really out of my hands, there is nothing we can do to change this except trust in God! And I do!
Thank you!

1 comment:

grammafaithie said...

We are praying! like you said: GOD IS IN CONTROL!!!! AND He takes good care of us!