Monday, October 12, 2009


"Know, beloved, that the valleys shall abound with wheat and spiritual fruit. This valley is a soul low and humble among the mountains, that is, it is filled with labours and virtues, and always remains unhaughty and steadfast."
St. John Climacus
"The Ladder of Divine Ascent" (Step 25)


Byzantine, TX said...

Very poignant.

Mimi said...

I really like this, thank you. I find myself in valleys now and then, and know that it is hard to get out of them - it is a good reminder to remember we are there for a reason.

And a hug to you my friend.

George Patsourakos said...

For our lives to be most effective, we must be humble and love all human beings. We must also thank God every day for giving us everything we have.