Saturday, October 28, 2006

They are finally here…

We were waiting yesterday morning for the phone to ring to tell us to come pick up the chicks from the Poulsbo Post Office. The call never came. By 8:00 a.m. I decided to call and see if they were there. I was greeted with “Sorry, they didn’t arrive. There is another truck at noon.” They were not on the noon truck and so we waited and knew they’d be on the 6:00 a.m. truck this morning.

About 2:00 a.m. we woke to complete darkness and silence. It was so bizarre to lay there and here absolutely nothing. No cars, no appliances humming, nothing! If you’ve never heard “nothing”, it is almost unbearable…the ringing in my ears was deafening.

(Sorry for the tangent)…Anyway, I was feeling pretty lucky at this point that the chicks had NOT arrived as they would have been in the dark cold coop for a few hours and I wouldn’t have known it. They may not have made it.

At 6:30 a.m. today I decided to call the Post Office and I was told they did not arrive. I was sad. I knew if they didn’t come now to food and water they probably wouldn’t make it and I was sure someone had forgotten them in a corner somewhere. For some reason Kelsey woke at this time and we were sitting on the sofa feeling sad for the chicks, talking about their demise when not 10 minutes later the phone rings and it’s the Post Office saying they indeed had our chicks!!!! We were thrilled!!!! Talk about a roller coaster ride of emotions!!!

We hopped in the car and were greeted at the post office with a SMALL box of very loudly peeping chicks! It was exciting!

We drove home quickly and one at a time took them out of the box and dipped their beaks in water so they could drink! They all made it but one!

So begins our adventure on the farm!


Liz in Seattle said...


Hooray for the Ferrenberg Farm!!!

Liz & the gang :-)

Meg said...

Congratulations on your new arrivals -- hope they provide much entertainment. They will certainly provide much work. ;-)

WRT your tangent: That did happen to us one year. We were vacationing in the Catskills, at a very remote motel. Somewhere after midnight I awoke, and literally could not see my hand in front of my face. I think that was the most unnerving aspect of that trip, even more so than the utter silence. (We are originally from NYC, where we lived at that time....) =:0

Anonymous said...

COngratulations! Now the fun begins! Your kids will have the adventure of "responsiblities" every day. Happy for you.

Your Aunt Sharon

Mimi said...

Whohooooo! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

:) Hooray!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Sometime write Juliana and ask her to tell you about our former pet chicken, Pearl...

Bluecanopy said...

woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

What fun is in store for all of you! Jacob and I were talking tonight, wondering if you would name all of your chicks. Since they're all the same kind, we thought just one name would do...perhaps, "Red"? Of course, we know some folks who name their chickens things like "Chicken Nuggets", etc. Have fun!

debbie and family